ODYSSEY Magazine The Hubble Telescope

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ODYSSEY, a magazine series that is released annually containing the new top photographs collected by the Hubble Space Telescope. Each spread offers an immersive image of the cosmos captured as well as a brief but informative education of the sight at hand.

Designed to help reinforce the imagination in of the new generations, the books in this series are meant to help kids wonder about the cosmos and keep their eyes set on the stars.

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A difference in the build.

Unconventional design lead to the birth of this piece. Ignoring conventional grid layouts; a 3 point, triangular grid, was devised in order to stand apart from other designs. The red background of “Odyssey,” the red accent column in the the bottom left, and the red issue number and date, all act as foundational points triangulating the central focal point of the cover’s over all layout. A 4th red was added within the middle of these three points to provide a quick “starting point” for the viewer to begin digesting the piece. Red lines where created as additional accent piece to further balance the unconventional grid, ensuring the piece remains balanced to an observing eye.

The title itself was created in the efforts to have a balance of both legible and illegible, with the intent of having the piece be just difficult enough to be fun for the viewer, engaging them as a complex yet quickly solvable puzzle. A happy medium entices the viewers eye and becomes aesthetically pleasing to look at as well.

Other rules were also ignored to learn where exactly the lines are in creating a design that is both successful and unorthodox. In order to differentiate the name of the publisher from the title of the issue, ODYSSEY was stretched to give it a unique presence in a hierarchically sound position within the landscape.

Finally as a homage to the theme of space exploration and a name like Odyssey for the magazine publisher, the barcode was selected as it is a condensed image of every scene within the movie 2001: A space Odyssey squished into a singular rectangle to serve as a fun easter egg for people who may recognize the frame treatment.
