Capturing Changes

Working With What You Have

The results of needing high quality photos while still living within dorms at Portland State.
Turns out a large piece of paper and a folding couch goes a long way when next to a window!


Cleaning Up

  • Untouched


    Sometimes you can grab an amazing shot but there’s just a couple little details that bring quality the overall quality down or nudges the photo towards the unusable end of the spectrum. Never Fear! Photoshop’s got our backs and I happen to speak the language.

  • Cleaned Up

    Where others say “impossible,” I say “no problem.” Photoshop and I have your team’s back and we’ll make sure whatever photo is needing that little boost that it gets the helping hand it needs to reach the stratosphere.

  • Untouched
  • Colonial Original
  • Colonial Cleaned
  • Colonial Original
  • Colonial Cleaned